“This isn’t going to end well”


Welcome to my blog.

I am new to this, so go easy on me.

The first question you ask yourself when you try to do something like this is “what’s this blog about?” Hopefully my finished product will be better than George Costanza’s paraphrased “It’s a blog about nothing”. But I can’t guarantee that.

What I hope to do is show you a little about me, as I use this outlet as a way to get thoughts out of my head. Many thoughts I have had in here for many years, others are new. I’m trying to follow the “if you wake up in the middle of the night with an idea, write it down” mantra. I don’t sleep with pen and paper beside me, so there’s a lot of stuff rattling around in my brain. Can you hear it?

I don’t know if the picture above is a random photo that wordpress gives when you start a new blog, or if everyone gets this one, but it hit home for me. To me, that picture looks like a pier in New Jersey after Hurricane Sandy. Structurally intact (mostly), but a lot of carnage left behind. Not a place to visit. But the sun in the background shows that storms pass, and the weather improves.

This picture was 2014 for me. I was told by my now ex-wife she wanted a divorce on a Saturday, and then was laid off from my job six days later. I eventually was out of work for eight months, and very much felt like that structure on the pier. But the year ended with breaking clouds and some sun. A new job in a new state, and a new beginning.

So after reading that last paragraph, you’re probably thinking “OMG, all this guy is going to do is complain about how he was done over by life, and we should feel sorry for him.Boo-hoo.” That is not the case at all. What I AM going to talk about are the things in my life that got me to sitting here on my couch at noon on a Sunday, wanting to write about how I got to sitting on my couch at noon on a Sunday. Sort of like a movie that starts in the present, then immediately goes back in time to where the story starts. The movie Goodfellas is a classic example. Liotta, Pesci, and DeNiro are driving in a car when they hear a banging noise in the trunk. They stop the car and find the guy who they thought they’d killed was still alive. So Pesci, being the level headed one :), pulls out a knife and starts stabbing him. Then the story goes back to the beginning, when they were all kids, which takes us to the midpoint of the movie, and the story goes on from there. Good lord, I’ve digressed.

I will try my best to entertain you with “Ted’s Adventures”, and not sound like a douche. I hope you enjoy.

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